Read one of the following passages:
Psalm 23 from page 25, Psalm 121 from page 27, or any of the selected verses from pages.

The body has died; the spirit it housed will never die.
On earth our dear ones do live on through those of us to whom they were so very precious.

We now fondly dedicate this monument (plaque) to the blessed memory of (name) realizing that his (her) remains lie not only in this plot of ground but in every heart his (her) life did touch.

O God, we are grateful for the years we were privileged to share with him (her) - years when he (she) brought us so many pleasures and taught us so very much by example.

And even though he (she) has left our midst, we know he (she) will never leave our hearts where his (her) memory will endure as a blessing forever.